Thanks to Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply (originally started by our founder Amigo Bob Cantisano), a collection of some of our favorite species and varieties  are available for pre-sale through their website for the 2024/25 Bare Root Season 

Felix Gillet Collector Trees


Allington Pippin

SKU 00051
Sold out
Product Details

Introduced in 1884 from Lincolnshire, England. A cross of Reine de Reinettes and Cox’s Orange Pippin. Fruit is medium-size, conic, with yellow to red skin with some reddish/orange flush or stripes, some russeting. A versatile apple useful for both cooking and eating. An excellent baking apple, keeps its shape when cooked. After a few months in storage the flavor mellows to an intense pineapple flavor. Excellent for cooking, juice and hard cider. Medium Vitamin C content. Harvest October into November, keeps 3 or more months in storage. Tree has average growth, is partially self-fertile but will set larger crops with other varieties. Biennial tendency, spur-bearer suitable to espalier or full size growth. Some resistance to scab.

Our mother tree is still (!) growing in Graniteville, once a boisterous, prosperous mining town at 4977’ on the San Juan Ridge. The house where the tree is located dates to 1885. At this high of an elevation the fruit has a challenge ripening before the bears get it, but the tree continues to produce a crop nearly every year, weather permitting. It is our highest elevation apple species discovered thus far. Will thrive at lower elevations, in any location with chilling hours above 600.

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Allington Pippin

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