Thanks to Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply (originally started by our founder Amigo Bob Cantisano), a collection of some of our favorite species and varieties  are available for pre-sale through their website for the 2024/25 Bare Root Season 

Felix Gillet Collector Trees


Jacquie's Apple

SKU 00109
Sold out
Product Details

Although we have yet to identify this apple by variety name, we've named it for it's steward Jacquie. It is crisp, mildly sweet with a pleasant subacid flavor. We left this apple on the counter for 3 weeks and it retained it's crispness. The fruit ripens in mid October at 2500'. This apple has a unique 'snouted' and sometimes boxy shape and handsome blushed skin. A great eater, and very suited for sauce, juice and drying. The tree is a large, towering old grandmother with a 3' diameter trunk. It has been a shy bearer, but it does grow in the shade. We have planted some in our mother orchard and will watch it for more information.

The grandmother tree is located at an old homestead tended by our friend Jacquie near Nevada City, Nevada County, CA. about 3 miles from Gillet’s Barren Hill Nursery. Nevada City was a bustling place in the late 1800s, the Queen of the Northern Mines, with much agriculture to feed the miners. We have found many Felix trees in this community, likely due to nearly 100 years of continuous nursery operation. Felix grew many of the trees and vines still thriving in and around Nevada City.

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Jacquie's Apple

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