Thanks to Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply (originally started by our founder Amigo Bob Cantisano), a collection of some of our favorite species and varieties  are available for pre-sale through their website for the 2024/25 Bare Root Season 

Felix Gillet Collector Trees


Lady Apple

SKU 032071
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Product Details

Probably the rare, famous and beautiful Api Etoile aka Star Lady. Small, Crunchy, Delicious, Late Season, Beautiful, Great Storage

This Beautiful early 1600’s Apple is considered rare. These very dense and delicious apples are ready for eating in December. They originated in Switzerland and made it to France in 1628. From there they spread to the rest of Europe and then to the Americas. Although it was famous for its shape, in flavor, it stands out on its own. How perfect to have delicious, star-shaped, apples for the Winter Holiday Season! The Api Etoile trees are very vigorous and prolific. They are long-blooming, beautiful to gaze at and beloved by bees. One would make a great pollinator in a larger orchard.

Found only in a small number of collectors' orchards. We only have 2 this year.

We found the star lady apple on an old homestead and orchard in Pioneer, CA along with acres of other heritage trees - still thriving. The family kept records and most trees were labeled. We will be introducing all the best ones over the next few years.

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Lady Apple

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