Thanks to Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply (originally started by our founder Amigo Bob Cantisano), a collection of some of our favorite species and varieties  are available for pre-sale through their website for the 2024/25 Bare Root Season 

Felix Gillet Collector Trees


Wright's Keeper Apple

SKU 00164
Sold out
Product Details

Wright's Keeper is a medium-small, August ripening apple with crisp, white, flavorful flesh and a slight tart, candy-like flavor. There is beautiful red striping down a yellow background. The cavity is slightly russeted and the base is broad. Harvested and best for eating in August to early September at 2500', they will keep in un-refrigerated but cool storage well into December. Great for eating out of hand, apple sauce and cider. Perfect size for the kid's lunchbox.

The lightly tended mother tree grows at 2500' in the historic mining town of Nevada City, Nevada County, CA. The site has numerous Gillet era trees and is located less than a mile from Felix's Barren Hill Nursery on Aristocracy Hill. Nevada City, also known asThe Queen of the Northern Mines, was the most active mining town in the most active mining area in the world at that time. Many famous people lived in Nevada City, and it was renowned for its support of the arts and entertainment, a tradition which continues to this day.

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Wright's Keeper Apple

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