
Apple Varieties

The years listed are the first year they appear in Gillet’s catalogs

Calville Blanc -1885

Calville Rouge -1880

Canada Reinette -1876

Fenoville Gris -1880

Golden Reinette -1880

Gros Api -1880

Igonette -1880

Lady -1880

Newtown Pippin -1885

Pearmain -1885

Petite Api (Lady’s Blush) -1876

Queen of Reinettes -1885

Red Astrachan -1885

Reinette Franche -1884

Reinette Gris -1880

Rhode Island Greening -1888

Royal Russet -1880

Spitzenburg -1885

Swaar -1885

True Reinette -1885

Van de Veer -1885

White Rambour -1885

Winesap -1885

Winter Rambour -1885

Yellow Bellflower -1890