Thanks to Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply (originally started by our founder Amigo Bob Cantisano), a collection of some of our favorite species and varieties  are available for pre-sale through their website for the 2024/25 Bare Root Season 

Felix Gillet Collector Trees


Kwanzan Cherry Blossom

SKU 00168
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Product Details

This cherry tree, originally from Japan, imported to the US in the 1890's by famed international botanical explorer David Fairchild, does not produce edible fruit, but is famous for it's abundance of double petal, deep pink blossoms that bloom in late spring. Fairchild was the founder of the US Dept. of Agriculture's Plant Introduction Stations and traveled the world for many decades finding the best of botany to send to the US for trialing in our various climates. He found and sent back hundreds of species and varieites, many of which are commonly grown in the US today. We highly recommend reading his book "The World Was My Garden, Travels of a Plant Explorer", a combination of 1800's international travel log, social studies and botany explorations, one of the best book's Amigo has ever read!

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Kwanzan Cherry Blossom

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